Sunday 7:00 pm Virtual Meeting

Sunday 7:00 pm Virtual Meeting
Format: Topic/Reading/Sharing (Closed/LGBTQ+)

This is a video / telemeeting using the Zoom platform: (passcode: 654321)

Recommended options for 7th Tradition Passing of Basket during your virtual meeting:

For Intergroup Donations via PayPal

- Do NOT use "Paying for a good or a service" option

Please reference items 1 and 2 for the appropriate note to place in the PayPal note when you make your contribution.

1. Individuals may make contributions electronically via PayPal to Intergroup. Include this message in the PayPal note: "General Donation"

2. If donating electronically to Intergroup on behalf of your meeting, you must include your Meeting ID in the PayPal note: "Sun 7 PM LGBTQ Virtual Meeting"
Donations with a meeting ID will be reported back to your meeting's Intergroup Rep as your group’s donation to Intergroup.

3. Other options as decided by your group.

Closed - Only those seeking their own sexual sobriety
LGBTQ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning
Additional Information