DC Intergroup has issued a Request for Proposals, to solicit your ideas on enhancing communications with members and groups of the local DC Area SAA Fellowship as well as nurturing connection among our members and local groups. See the News/Events page for details.
Key to Meetings
Mixed: Men and Women
LGBTQ: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning
Closed: Only those seeking their own sexual sobriety may attend
Open: Addicts and non-addicts may attend
Cameras-On: If you don’t have your camera on (showing your full face) when you enter the waiting room (and leave it on throughout the meeting), you will be removed
1st Step: Opportunity for 1st Step presentations
1-2-3 Step Meeting: Meeting focuses on first 3 steps
Step Meeting: 12 step reading or discussion
Tradition Meeting: Discussion about one of the 12 Traditions
Topic Meeting: Topic chosen by meeting leader
Meditation: Includes a period of meditation
Chips: Medallions are presented for time of sobriety, time in program and other anniversaries