DC Intergroup has issued a Request for Proposals, to solicit your ideas on enhancing communications with members and groups of the local DC Area SAA Fellowship as well as nurturing connection among our members and local groups. See the News/Events page for details.
Leesburg Presbyterian Church
Monday 8:00 pm Leesburg Into Action
Format: Step / Topic / Meditation-Voices of Recovery / 1st Step Presentations. (Closed / Men *)
Upstairs School (East end) Classroom - Grades 3 - 5
Parking: Enter off W. Market Street past church with parking lot on three sides excluding front where entrance is located.
Entrance Directions: Enter through Office Doors (facing Market Street), go left to far stairs and up to second floor to classrooms.
This meeting is hybrid (it also meets via zoom):
ID: 878 9126 4662, Passcode: 123456
* Note there is a mixed 'SA' meeting at the same location at 7:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall
Closed - Only those seeking their own sexual sobriety
Men - Men Only
Additional Information